BRAND: Cisco

Cisco Catalyst C9115AXI-I - Wireless Access Point

£867.43 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number: C9115AXI- is a Cisco Catalyst 9115AXI-I Access Point: Indoor environments, with internal antennas

The Cisco Catalyst 9115 Series, equipped with Wi-Fi 6 technology, represents the cutting edge in enterprise access points, offering resilience, security, and intelligence.

In today's landscape, marked by hyperconnectivity and the proliferation of IoT devices and advanced applications, robust wireless networks are imperative. Meeting these demands entails a network that not only provides steadfast performance in challenging environments but also boasts integrated security features capable of sophisticated threat detection and containment. Furthermore, the network should leverage hardware and software innovations to automate tasks, enhance security, and streamline operations. Upgrading your wireless infrastructure to meet these criteria is essential for thriving in the digital age.

The latest iteration of Cisco's Catalyst 9100 Access Points, featuring high-performance Wi-Fi 6 capabilities and advancements in RF performance, security, and analytics, empowers businesses to embark on comprehensive digital transformations and expedite the deployment of new services, surpassing traditional Wi-Fi capabilities.

Cisco Catalyst C9115AXI-I Access Point:

Wi-Fi 6 for midsize deployments

When paired with the Cisco Digital Network Architecture (Cisco DNA), the Catalyst 9115 Series Access Points offer enterprise-grade solutions that address both present challenges and future requirements. They serve as the initial step in modernizing your network to fully leverage the advantages of Wi-Fi 6.

Moreover, the Catalyst 9115 Series facilitates secure connectivity for remote workers or micro-offices. Any Cisco Aironet or Catalyst access point can serve as an Office Extend Access Point (OEAP), granting employees working from home or temporary locations access to the corporate network and SSID without the need for complex VPN setups or technical expertise.

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