BRAND: Cisco

Cisco C9200-STACK-KIT - Interface Module

£765.07 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number: C9200-STACK-KIT is Compact, efficient stacking solution for Catalyst 9200 switches.

The Cisco StackWise-80/160 provides stacking of up to eight Cisco Catalyst 9200 Series switches with the optional Cisco StackWise-80/160 Modules . Mixed stacking is not supported. You cannot stack fixed (Catalyst 9200L) with modular (Catalyst 9200) models, or other Catalyst switches, e.g., Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series.

The Cisco C9200-STACK-KIT is a compact and efficient stacking kit designed for Cisco Catalyst 9200 Series switches. It enables easy and secure stacking of multiple switches, enhancing network scalability and management flexibility. With simple installation and seamless integration, this kit streamlines network deployment and maintenance processes. Its robust construction and Cisco's renowned reliability ensure stable and high-performance networking environments. The C9200-STACK-KIT is an essential accessory for organizations seeking to expand their network infrastructure while maintaining operational efficiency and resilience.

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