BRAND: Cisco

Cisco C9300X-48HX-M - Access Switch

MPN: C9300X-48HX-M
£10,732.97 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number: C9300X-48HX-M is a Cisco Catalyst 9300 48-port 10G/mGig copper with modular uplink, Meraki Advance or Enterprise

The Catalyst 9300X-M is designed to meet the most demanding enterprise needs, blending the ease of the Meraki dashboard with robust switching hardware. It's tailored to handle high-bandwidth applications and the deployment of high-speed 802.11ax/WiFi-6 access points.

To cater to these requirements, the Catalyst 9300X-M offers multigigabit ports, 1TB stacking, and modular 10/25 or 40/100G uplinks. This ensures seamless connectivity and performance for data-intensive tasks.

In terms of resiliency, the Catalyst 9300X-M boasts fast stack convergence and StackPower capabilities. StackPower facilitates power distribution across C9300X-Ms, ensuring simple and reliable power management across the stack.

One of the standout features of the Catalyst 9300X-M is its Adaptive Policy system. This system utilizes an over-the-wire tag to segment traffic into security groups, providing scalable security solutions. Security Groups can be easily created in the dashboard using natural language descriptions like "IOT device" or "Guest." Operators can then simply provision security policies between these Security Groups, enabling the segmentation of each group's traffic.

Adaptive Policy simplifies and scales security policy management by replacing legacy IP-address based Access Control Lists. This intuitive approach empowers operators to confidently secure their network traffic, regardless of future network changes.

Overall, the Catalyst 9300X-M, integrated within the Meraki dashboard, offers a powerful yet straightforward solution for the most demanding wired access applications.

Catalyst C9300X-48HX-M Licensing

The Catalyst 9300-M license applies to all c9300 hardware platforms (c9300 / c9300L / c9300X) excluding the MS390. Catalyst 9300-M license structure includes two feature tiers:  Enterprise and Advanced.  As with all Meraki managed switches, every Catalyst 9300-M license is available in 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 year terms.

Catalyst 9300X-M License Structure 12/24-Port 48-port
Advanced Features LIC-C9300-24A LIC-C9300-48A
Enterprise Features LIC-C9300-24E LIC-C9300-48E
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