BRAND: Cisco

Cisco C9400-PWR-2100AC= - Power Supply Unit

MPN: C9400-PWR-2100AC=
£1,469.63 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number: C9400-PWR-2100AC=

The Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series offers three chassis options and a wide range of line card options. It provides a common architecture that can scale up to 400 ports. Cisco StackWise Virtual technology doubles this port density by virtually stacking two Catalyst 9400 modular switches in a single logical switch.

The Catalyst 9400 Series chassis is enterprise optimized with efficient side-to-side airflow and full front accessibility for all removable components, including supervisors, line cards, power supplies and fan tray. The chassis also supports optional rear accessibility for fan trays to enable efficient cable management. Catalyst 9400 Series chassis, supervisor, line cards, powersupply and fan trays have embedded RFID tags which facilitate easy asset and inventory management using commercial RFID readers.

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