BRAND: Cisco

Cisco C9407-FAN= - Cooling System Part

MPN: C9407-FAN=
£390.02 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number: C9407-FAN= is a Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 7 slot chassis Fan Tray, spare

Each Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series uses dual serviceable fan trays for cooling. Cisco Catalyst 9400 can optionally be accessed from the rear for flexible cable management. The chassis is enterprise closet-optimized with side-to-side airflow. All fan trays are composed of multiple independently controlled fans with N+1 redundancy. If any single fan fails, the system will continue to operate without a degradation in cooling. Speeds of fans change dynamically to compensate for fan failure. Catalyst 9400 Series fans have a barometric sensor, which allows slower fan speed curves at lower altitudes. Catalyst 9400 Series fans also have individual fan Pulse-Wide Modulation (PWM) fine-tuning to reduce variability in fan Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) under throttled conditions. This allows for optimal acoustic performance at 60dB when the system is operating at 50% load.

A Cisco Catalyst C9407-FAN=  fan tray assembly—

  • Is composed of a fan tray and an adapter that is attached to the fan tray. It is responsible for cooling the entire chassis and interfacing with environmental monitors to trigger alarms when conditions exceed thresholds.
  • Has side-to-side airflow for balanced airflow across the inserted cards. When facing the front of the chassis, airflow direction is right to left.
  • Can be installed and removed from the front and the rear.
  • Has a built-in, front-facing, non-removable, passive RFID tag that uses Ultra High Frequency (UHF) RFID technology and requires an RFID reader with compatible software. For more information, see Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) on Cisco Catalyst 9000 Family Switches.
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