BRAND: Cisco

Cisco C9410-RACK-19-KIT= - Mounting Kit

MPN: C9410-RACK-19-KIT=
£197.88 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number: C9410-RACK-19-KIT=

Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 10 slot chassis Rack Mount Spare

The Cisco C9410-RACK-19-KIT= is a reliable rack-mounting solution designed specifically for the Cisco Catalyst 9410R switch series. This kit provides a secure and organized platform for installing the switch within a standard 19-inch rack. Its sturdy construction ensures stability and durability, while the streamlined design facilitates efficient cable management. The kit includes all necessary hardware for easy installation, allowing you to optimize your network infrastructure effortlessly. With the Cisco C9410-RACK-19-KIT, you can confidently integrate the Cisco Catalyst 9410R switch into your rack environment, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics.

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