BRAND: Cisco

Cisco C9K-F2-SSD-240GB - Internal Solid State Drive

£2,155.55 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number: C9K-F2-SSD-240GB is Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 240GB SSD Storage

Introducing : a cutting-edge solution designed to revolutionize your network infrastructure. This high-performance, 240GB Solid State Drive (SSD) module is meticulously crafted to enhance the capabilities of Cisco's Catalyst 9K Series switches, ensuring seamless operations in the most demanding environments.

With lightning-fast read and write speeds, this SSD empowers your network to handle intensive workloads, delivering exceptional data throughput for critical applications. It's a game-changer for businesses that require rapid data access and processing, offering enhanced reliability and durability compared to traditional HDDs.

The Cisco C9K-F2-SSD-240GB is easy to install, seamlessly integrating into your existing Catalyst 9K Series switch, reducing downtime and maximizing efficiency. Its advanced error correction and power-loss protection ensure data integrity and safeguard against unexpected disruptions.

Upgrade your network performance with Cisco's C9K-F2-SSD-240GB, the ultimate SSD solution for the future of networking. Boost productivity, reduce latency, and experience network excellence like never before. Trust Cisco for unparalleled innovation and reliability in networking technology.

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