BRAND: Cisco

Cisco EPA-QSFP-1X100GE= - Ethernet Port Adapter

£52,374.68 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number: EPA-QSFP-1X100GE= is a Cisco ASR 1000 1x100GE QSFP Ethernet Port Adapter, spare

The EPAs (Enhanced Port Adapters) are innovative interface cards designed to bring 40 Gigabit Ethernet and 100 Gigabit Ethernet connectivity to the Cisco ASR 1000 Series. These modular interface processors equipped with EPAs provide the same level of features and functionality as the SPA (Shared Port Adapter) interface processor and SPA combination, akin to the fixed Ethernet line cards.

EPAs are compact plug-in modules containing circuitry that offers optical or electrical network interfaces. The data transfer between the EPA and the MIP (Modular Interface Processor) carrier card can handle a full-duplex bandwidth of up to 100Gbps. Moreover, the data path is flexible, supporting various predefined data rates and protocols.

Here are some key characteristics of EPA-QSFP-1X100GE=:

  • Modular Design: EPAs are modular port adapters that fit into a subslot of a compatible MIP carrier card, providing network connectivity and increasing interface port density.

  • Bay Installation: EPAs are inserted into one of the MIP-EPA bays, with EPA subslots available.

  • Interface Ports: Each EPA offers a specific number of connectors or ports, which serve as interfaces to one or more networks. These interfaces can be individually configured using the Cisco IOS command-line interface (CLI).

  • Cooling Integrity: During normal operation, every subslot of a MIP should have either a blank filler plate or a functional EPA to maintain cooling integrity.

  • Hot Swappable: EPAs support online insertion and removal (OIR). They can be inserted or removed independently from the MIP. MIPs also support OIR when EPAs are inserted in their subslots.

In essence, EPAs revolutionize network connectivity by providing high-speed Ethernet options while maintaining compatibility and flexibility within the Cisco ASR 1000 Series architecture.

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