BRAND: Cisco

Cisco FPR-C9300-HVDC - Security Appliance Chassis

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Cisco Part Number: FPR-C9300-HVDC is a Cisco Firepower 9300 chassis for HVDC power supply

The Cisco Firepower 9300 is a highly scalable platform designed for a variety of demanding network environments. It offers carrier-grade performance, with scalability beyond 1 Tbps when clustered. This modular platform is ideal for service providers, high-performance computing centers, large data centers, campuses, high-frequency trading environments, and other network points where low latency (less than 5 microseconds offload) and exceptional throughput are essential.

The Firepower 9300 supports flow-offloading, enabling efficient traffic handling, as well as programmatic orchestration and management of security services through RESTful APIs. Additionally, it is available in Network Equipment Building Standards (NEBS)-compliant configurations, ensuring reliability and compatibility in telecommunications environments.

The 9300 Series can run either the Cisco Secure Firewall ASA or Threat Defense (FTD) software, providing robust security capabilities tailored to the specific needs of the network.

FPR-C9300-HVDC chassis components:

The Firepower 9300 chassis contains the following components:

  • Firepower 9300 Supervisor—Chassis supervisor module

    • Management port

    • RJ-45 console port

    • USB Type A port

    • Eight ports for 1- or 10-Gigabit Ethernet small form-factor pluggable (SFP) ports (fiber and copper)

  • Firepower 9300 Security Module—Up to three security modules

  • Firepower Network Module—Two single-wide network modules or one double-wide network module

  • Two power supply modules (AC or DC)

  • Four fan modules

FPR-C9300-HVDC supported security modules:

  • SM-24—24-physical core CPU security module (NEBS ready)

  • SM-36—36-physical core CPU high performance security module

  • SM-40—40-physical core CPU Crypto security module (NEBS ready)

  • SM-44—44-physical core CPU high performance security module (NEBS ready)

  • SM-48—48-physical core CPU Crypto security module (NEBS ready)

  • SM-56—56-physical core CPU Crypto security module


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