BRAND: Cisco

Cisco GRWIC-D-ES-2S-8PC= - Interface Module

£1,869.73 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number: GRWIC-D-ES-2S-8PC=

The Cisco Ethernet Switch Module (CGR 2010 ESM) greatly expands the Cisco 2010 Connected Grid Router’s capabilities by integrating industry-leading Layer 2 and Layer 3 (optional) switching with feature sets comparable to those found in the Cisco 2520 Connected Grid Switches. The new Cisco Ethernet Switch Module along with the Cisco 2010 Connected Grid Router (CGR 2010) are designed specifically for use in connected energy applications such as grid automation, distributed generation, integrated renewable energy, trackside substations, and water, oil, and gas applications. The CGR 2010 ESM uses Cisco IOS® Software, which is the operating system powering millions of Cisco switches worldwide, and provides the benefits of improved security, network resiliency and reliability, and scalability.

Primary CGR 2010 ESM features:
- Rugged industrial design and substation compliance: IEC-61850-3 and IEEE 1613 for utility substation environments
- Tools for easy deployment, management, and replacement
- Extensive instrumentation and remote diagnostic capability
- Advanced quality of service (QoS) capabilities to support mission-critical substation applications such as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and IEC 61850 Generic Object Oriented Substation Events (GOOSE) messaging
- Comprehensive network security features based on open standards

Rugged Ethernet switch with 8 10/100BaseTX PoE ports (a maximum of 4 standard PoE ports supported), one dual-purpose Gigabit Ethernet uplink (dual-purpose Gigabit Ethernet uplinks allow the user to activate either copper or fiber media), and one Gigabit Ethernet fiber SFP port. The Layer 2 LAN Base image is included.

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