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BRAND: Cisco

Cisco L-AC-APX-1Y-S4 - Software License

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Our Services

Cisco Part Number: L-AC-APX-1Y-S4

Software Subscription: L-AC-APX-1Y-S4 is a Cisco AnyConnect Apex License, 1YR, 500-999 Users.

Introducing Secure Client Premier (Apex), an advanced service package encompassing endpoint Posture for Secure Firewall, ISE Posture in collaboration with the Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE), network visibility, next-generation VPN encryption (including Suite B), Management VPN Tunnel, and the full spectrum of features found in Secure Client Advantage. Existing Secure Client users can liken Secure Client Premier to the previously known AnyConnect Apex, Premium, and Premium Shared Licences.

L-AC-APX-1Y-S4 Secure Client Premier delivers the following services:

  • VPN compliance and Posture (for Secure Firewall)
  • A unified compliance and posture agent when paired with Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) Premier/Apex licences
  • Cutting-edge encryption (Suite B) with Secure Client and third-party (non-Secure Client) IKEv2 VPN clients
  • Network Visibility Module
  • ASA multicontext-mode remote access
  • SAML Authentication
  • Management VPN Tunnel
  • All the Advantage services 

L-AC-APX-1Y-S4 Premier licences find optimal use in environments formerly served by Cisco AnyConnect Premium, Shared, Flex, and Advanced Endpoint Assessment licences.

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