BRAND: Cisco

Cisco Nexus N9K-C93108TC-FX - Data Centre Switch

MPN: N9K-C93108TC-FX
£23,011.19 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number: N9K-C93108TC-FX is a Cisco Nexus 9300 with 48p 10G BASE-T and 6p 40G/100G QSFP28, MACsec capable

The Cisco Nexus 9300-FX Series is part of the fixed Cisco Nexus 9000 platform, utilizing Cisco Cloud Scale technology. Designed for cost-effective cloud-scale deployments, it supports increased endpoints and cloud services with wire-rate security and telemetry. Built on a modern system architecture, this platform ensures high performance, catering to the evolving needs of highly scalable data centers and growing enterprises.

The Cisco Nexus 9300-FX series switches offer diverse interface options, facilitating a seamless migration from 100-Mbps, 1-Gbps, and 10-Gbps speeds to 25-Gbps at the server, and from 10- and 40-Gbps speeds to 50- and 100-Gbps at the aggregation layer. With large buffers, flexible Layer 2 and Layer 3 scalability, and high performance, these switches provide investment protection, addressing the dynamic requirements of virtualized data centers and automated cloud environments.

The Cisco Nexus N9K-C93108TC-FX Switch is a compact 1RU switch with 2.16 Tbps bandwidth and 1.25bpps capacity. It features 48 versatile 10GBASE-T downlink ports configurable as 100-Mbps, 1-Gbps, or 10-Gbps. The uplink supports up to six ports, ranging from 40 to 100 Gbps or a mix of 1, 10, 25, 40, 50, and 100 Gbps for adaptable migration choices.

Cisco Nexus 9300-FX Series Switch specifications:


Cisco Nexus 93180YC-FX

Cisco Nexus N9K-C93108TC-FX

Cisco Nexus 9348GC-FXP


48 x 1/10/25-Gbps and 6 x 40/100-Gbps QSFP28 ports

48 x 100M/1/10GBASE-T and 6 x 40/100-Gbps QSFP28 ports

48 x 1-GBASE-T ports, 4 x 1/10/25-Gbps SFP28 ports and 2 x 40/100 QSFP28 ports

Downlink supported speeds

1/10/25-Gbps Ethernet

16/32-Gbps Fibre Channel

100-Mbps and 1/10-Gbps speeds

100-Mbps and 1-Gbps speeds


6 cores

4 cores

4 cores

System memory

Up to 32 GB

24 GB

24 GB

SSD drive

128 GB

128 GB

128 GB

System buffer

40 MB

40 MB

40 MB

Management ports

1 RJ-45 port

L1 and L2 ports are unused

2 ports: 1 RJ-45 and 1 SFP+

2 ports: 1 RJ-45 and 1 SFP+

USB ports




RS-232 serial ports




Power supplies (up to 2)

500W AC, 930W DC, or 1200W HVAC/HVDC

500W AC, 930W DC, or 1200W HVAC/HVDC

350W AC, 440W DC

Typical power (AC/DC)*






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