BRAND: Cisco

Cisco N9K-PUV2-3000W-B - Power Supply Unit

MPN: N9K-PUV2-3000W-B
£3,960.36 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number: N9K-PUV2-3000W-B is a Cisco Nexus 9500 3150W 200V to 277V AC or 240V to 380V DC Universal high voltage AC/DC PS, Port-Side Intake

The HVAC/HVDC power supply (N9K-PUV2-3000W-B) has two redundant input power lines. It can provide power output at 3.15KW with either one or two input power lines operating. The HVAC/HVDC power supply provides n+n or n+x line redundancy mode in a single power supply for the Cisco Nexus 9500 Series switches.

The HVAC/HVDC power supply accepts 200–240VAC or 240/380VDC input power.

If you are not using power redundancy or are using n+1 power redundancy, you can connect all the power supplies in the chassis to the same power grid. If you are using n+n power redundancy, connect one set of the power supply inputs to one power grid and the other set of the power supply inputs to another power grid. For example, connect grid A to the receptacles closest to the power switch on the power supplies, and connect grid B to the receptacles furthest from the power switch on the power supplies.

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