BRAND: Cisco

Cisco NC55-MPA-4H-S= - Router Modular Port Adapter

£31,057.06 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number: NC55-MPA-4H-S= is a Cisco NCS 5500 4X100G QSFP28 MPA for perpetual pay as you grow consumption model, spare

The 4-port 40GE/100GE MPA (NC55-MPA-4H-S/NC55-MPA-4H-HD-S/NC55-MPA-4H-HX-S) provides 4 ports for 4x25GE (via cable breakout), QSFP+ (40Gbps) or QSFP28 (100Gbps) transceivers.

The modular port adapters (MPAs) are supported in the NCS-55A2-MOD-S, NCS-55A2-MOD-SE-S, NCS-55A2-MOD-HX-S,NC55A2-MOD-SE-H-S, and NCS-55A2-MOD-HD-S routers. Each MPA has a STATUS and ATTN (attention) LED, and each port on the MPA has an adjacent A/L (Active/Link) LED.

The Cisco Global Cloud Index predicts that digitalization will drive a more than 25 percent annual growth in global data center and public/private cloud network traffic, resulting in a threefold increase by 2019. To assist network providers in meeting these demands, Cisco has developed the Network Convergence System 5500 Series, which is equipped with features tailored for these deployments, including high port densities, deep packet buffering, and forwarding hardware optimized for such scenarios.

The Cisco NCS 5500 Series modular chassis offers a wide variety of combo line cards to meet customer requirements for flexible interfaces, port densities, and full bandwidth utilization of the forwarding ASIC.

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