BRAND: Cisco

Cisco NXA-PDC-2KW-PI - Power Supply Unit

£1,454.03 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number: NXA-PDC-2KW-PI is a Cisco Nexus 9408 2KW DC power supply

Introducing the Cisco Nexus 9400 Series, a line of centralized modular switches that enhances the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series range by introducing a new chassis tailored for high port-density 400 Gigabit expansion modules.

As data centers adapt to the demands of next-gen applications like machine learning, which fuel exponential growth in intra-data-center traffic, operators seek compact, high-capacity switches that are both efficient and robust. They require features like security, automation, visibility, analytics, and assurance. Designed to meet these needs and accommodate the evolving cloud architecture, the Cisco Nexus 9400 series switches leverage Cisco Cloud Scale technology.

Featuring a centralized modular architecture, the Cisco Nexus 9400 series can scale up to 25.6 Tbps using a mix of field-replaceable switch cards, expansion modules, power supplies, and fans.

The Cisco Nexus 9400 Series Switch boasts a new design occupying just 4 rack units and measuring 24 inches in depth. It offers 8 expansion slots, supporting configurations like 64 ports of 400G, 128 ports of 200G, or 176 ports of 10/25/50G, all equipped with MACsec capability.

Moreover, the chassis architecture provides redundancy for supervisor and up to 8 expansion modules, with 5 fan trays ensuring reliability alongside power supply redundancy.

Supporting Precision Time Protocol (PTP) with Class C timing accuracy tailored for telecom and media profiles, the Cisco Nexus 9400 series ensures precise frequency and time distribution via PTP and synchronous Ethernet.

Organizations can choose between two operational modes for Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Switches: Cisco® Application Centric Infrastructure (Cisco ACI®) or Cisco NX-OS mode.

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