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BRAND: Cisco

Cisco NXOS-ES-M8-16 - Software License

£26,933.72 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number: NXOS-ES-M8-16


Cisco NXOS-ES-M8-16: NX-OS Essentials License for Modular Platforms (8-16 Slots)

The Cisco NXOS-ES-M8-16 is a license that unlocks the essential features of Cisco NX-OS on modular platforms with 8 to 16 slots. This license is designed for organizations requiring a comprehensive, yet affordable, network foundation for their modular network infrastructure.

Key Features:

  • Essential NX-OS functionality: Includes routing, switching, security, and management features needed for basic network operations in a modular environment.
  • Scalability: Supports up to 16 slots for expansion and growth.
  • Modular flexibility: Adapts to changing network requirements with modular hardware options.
  • Simplified management: Provides a centralized console for configuration, monitoring, and troubleshooting across multiple modules.
  • Investment protection: Ensures compatibility with future Cisco NX-OS releases and hardware upgrades for modular platforms.


  • Reduced costs: Provides a cost-effective alternative to larger and more expensive NX-OS licenses for modular platforms.
  • Simplified network management: Centralized control and visibility streamline configuration and daily operations across multiple modules.
  • Enhanced security: Inbuilt security features provide protection against cyber threats and data breaches.
  • Improved scalability: Supports future growth and changing network requirements with ease, adding modules as needed.
  • Investment protection: Ensures compatibility with future updates and hardware upgrades for modular platforms.

Ideal for:

  • Data centers and enterprise networks: Provides a reliable and cost-effective network foundation for modular infrastructure.
  • Organizations requiring high-performance and future-proof networking: Delivers scalable and flexible solutions with modularity.
  • Businesses with budget constraints: Offers an affordable option for deploying NX-OS on modular platforms.
  • Organizations looking for a scalable and flexible solution: Allows for easy expansion and adaptation to changing network needs.
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