BRAND: Cisco

Cisco PWR-IE480W-PCAC-L - Power Supply Unit

£1,794.73 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number:  PWR-IE480W-PCAC-L is a 480W Cisco DIN-rail Power Supply with 100V to 240V AC input and 54V DC , 8.9A output

The Cisco Catalyst IE3200 Rugged Series delivers high-speed Gigabit Ethernet connectivity in a condensed package, tailored to meet the diverse needs of industrial applications demanding resilient solutions. Engineered to withstand tough conditions prevalent in manufacturing, energy, transportation, mining, smart cities, and oil and gas industries, the IE3200 platform is equally adept for expansive enterprise deployments in outdoor environments, warehouses, and distribution centers.

Operating on Cisco IOS® XE, an advanced operating system renowned for its embedded security features like secure boot, image signing, and a Cisco® Trust Anchor Module, these switches guarantee reliability and data integrity. Cisco IOS® XE also facilitates seamless configuration through API-driven approaches, leveraging open APIs and data models.

Effortlessly managed with robust tools like Cisco Catalyst Center, the Cisco Catalyst IE3200 Rugged Series can be configured with ease using WebUI, a modern, user-friendly graphical interface designed for streamlined operation.

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