BRAND: Cisco

Cisco PWR-RGD-AC-DC-H - Power Supply Unit

£535.98 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number: PWR-RGD-AC-DC-H is a Cisco Industrial Power supply - 150 watt High Voltage AC or DC - AC: 100-240V/2.0A 50-60Hz or DC: 100-250V/2.0A - Compliant for use in hazardous locations - PoE power application supported - for use with the Industrial Ethernet Series Switches

Introducing the Cisco® Industrial Ethernet (IE) 4010 Series Switches, boasting 28 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. These ruggedized Layer2/3 switches offer high-performance capabilities, including dense Power-over-Ethernet (PoE), making them the prime choice for access switches in industrial settings. Equipped with comprehensive Cisco IOS® Software security features and robust high-availability ring protocols, the IE 4010 ensures reliability even in challenging outdoor enclosures or harsh environments, all while meeting stringent IT network design, compliance, and performance standards.

Derived from a rich lineage of manufacturing, utility, and enterprise switching products, the IE 4010 hosts a feature-packed software suite, making it particularly suitable for locations with extended temperature ranges, such as smart buildings, utility facilities, process control environments, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), and city surveillance programs. With built-in SW image verification, authenticity of the Cisco Software is guaranteed. Furthermore, the IE 4010 seamlessly integrates with existing Cisco IE switch families, including the IE 2000, IE 2000U, IE 3200, IE 3300, IE 3400, IE 4000, and IE 5000 Series.

Beyond traditional applications, the IE 4010 Series extends the enterprise network securely into harsh environments, leveraging software-defined access extension for the Internet of Things (IoT). This capability facilitates connectivity in outdoor areas, warehouses, distribution centers, and roadways, supported by robust enterprise-grade intent-based network management platforms such as Cisco Catalyst Center.

The IE 4010 simplifies configuration with a GUI-based web user interface and Express Setup, enabling hassle-free out-of-the-box configuration. This ensures seamless deployment of advanced security, data, video, and voice services over industrial networks, empowering organizations to meet the diverse demands of modern industrial operations.

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