BRAND: Cisco

Cisco QSFP-100G-SR1.2= - QSFP Transceiver

MPN: QSFP-100G-SR1.2=
£1,280.78 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number: QSFP-100G-SR1.2= is a Cisco 100GBASE SR-BIDI QSFP Transceiver, LC, 100m OM4 MMF (Spare)

The Cisco QSFP-100G-SR1.2 BiDi is a Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable (QSFP28) Bi-Directional optical module designed for 100 Gbps data transmission. It consolidates four electrical data streams into two optical lanes, transmitted over a duplex LC multimode optical fiber. Utilizing 50Gb PAM4 channels, the module achieves a total aggregate bandwidth of 100Gb, with PAM4 technology enabling 50Gb data rates at a signaling speed of 25 Gbaud.

On the receiving end, the module separates two incoming optical signals into four electrical data channels. It connects via an LC-terminated optical fiber ribbon cable and adheres to the IEEE802.3bm 100GBASE-SR4 standard for interoperability.

The Cisco QSFP-100G-SR1.2= BiDi transceiver is designed for 100G connectivity and is fully compatible with another Cisco QSFP-100G-SR1.2 BiDi transceiver. Additionally, it supports 4 x 100G breakout mode when connected to a Cisco 400 Gbps SR4.2 BiDi. However, it is not compatible with the Cisco QSFP-40/100-SRBD.

Key Benefits:

  • Cost Savings: Leverages existing duplex LC Multimode Fiber (MMF) infrastructure, reducing capital expenditure.
  • Seamless Upgrades: Enables smooth transition to 100Gbps from 10Gbps SR or 40Gbps BiDi, lowering operational costs.
  • Future-Ready: Provides connectivity options for scaling up to 400Gbps.
  • Enhanced Reliability: Reduces transmission errors with KP4 Forward Error Correction (FEC) at 100Gbps data rates.
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