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BRAND: Cisco

Cisco SLASR1-AES - Software License

£10,617.78 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number: SLASR1-AES

SLASR1-AES: Unlock Enhanced Capabilities for Your Cisco ASR 1000 Series Router

The SLASR1-AES license unlocks advanced features and functionalities for your Cisco ASR 1000 series aggregation services router. This license allows you to leverage additional capabilities for enhanced network performance, security, and manageability.

Key Features:

  • Performance Upgrade: Enables higher throughput and processing capacity for demanding applications.
  • Advanced Multicast Routing: Supports advanced multicast protocols and features for efficient delivery of multimedia content.
  • Enhanced QoS: Provides granular control over network traffic to ensure critical applications receive the bandwidth they need.
  • Advanced Security Features: Integrates additional security features such as intrusion prevention and application control for improved network protection.
  • Improved Manageability: Simplifies network management with centralized configuration and monitoring capabilities.


  • Increased Network Performance: Supports high-bandwidth applications and ensures smooth network operation.
  • Enhanced Scalability: Adapts to your growing network needs and supports future requirements.
  • Improved Network Efficiency: Optimizes network traffic for efficient resource utilization.
  • Enhanced Network Security: Provides advanced protection against cyber threats.
  • Simplified Network Management: Reduces administrative overhead and improves operational efficiency.

Ideal for:

  • Organizations with demanding network requirements requiring high performance and scalability.
  • Businesses with mission-critical applications requiring reliable and secure network services.
  • Companies seeking to optimize their network efficiency and reduce operational costs.
  • Organizations with complex network environments needing advanced management capabilities.
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