BRAND: Cisco

Cisco STACK-T4-3M - Stacking Cable

£267.18 Incl. VAT
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Cisco Part Number: STACK-T4-3M is a Cisco StackWise-160/80 3m stacking cable

The StackWise-160/80 architecture allows stacking of up to eight switches in a ring topology to achieve a high density of stack bandwidth. This architecture expands the switches’ form factor, switching capacity, port density, and redundancy, providing a single control plane. Additionally, it offers resiliency, scalability, and central management. The latest Cisco Catalyst 9200 Series Switches support StackWise-160, while the Cisco Catalyst 9200L models support StackWise-80. This technology is flexible, modular, and evolutionary, delivering Cisco IOS® XE feature capabilities with hardware acceleration to every port in the stack.

Cisco Catalyst 9200 Series Switches are available in data, Power over Ethernet (PoE), and Multigigabit versions, with 24-port and 48-port variants for each version. The hardware design of each model is cost-effective to support different network capacity loads and switching performance requirements.

Physically, up to eight switches can be stacked together in a ring topology to form a single, unified, virtual stack system. When deployed in StackWise-160/80 mode, a Cisco Catalyst 9200 Series Switch delivers deterministic and nonblocking switching performance to a maximum port density of 448 ports with a distributed data plane, single control plane, and management plane. The switching performance offers hardware-accelerated, integrated borderless network services such as PoE, PoE+, Quality of Service (QoS), Access Control Lists (ACLs), Flexible NetFlow, Next-Generation Network-Based Application Recognition (NBAR2), streaming telemetry, and more on every port.

The Cisco Catalyst 9200 Series Switches provide flexibility for mixed-mode support between different models in a single stack ring, depending on the requirements of each switch. You can mix switches with different model variants (PoE, data, Multigigabit) and different network modules in the stack. However, it's not possible to mix the 9200 and 9200L models due to different stacking bandwidth.

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